Maya Spring Assessment - Character Modelling (Part 1)
We are now starting the second assessment of modelling skills in my course, with the assessment being to create a mesh of a given character drawing, and then unwrap the UV's and to texture the model. So in some ways not bad since it covers things which we've already learnt. On the other hand a very organic model is likely to bring some complications due to trying to maintain the curving on the model.
This is the project start we were given, so we were advised to work from the ground up essentially.
I had started before this and actually got a fair way by doing just very rough matching of the vertices, but the problem was that it was extremely square like, so rather than have to edit this afterwards i thought the best recourse would be to start making the curving from the start so that i would only add the necessary edge loops (so as to keep a somewhat tidy and conservative mesh) this did slow down my work process but ultimately made the mesh look better.
making shoes look even somewhat not like blocks on the feet is very difficult, since you need to both flare out the sides and taper in the middle area to match the shape of the foot, its odd to have to think about the simple ways to convey your bodies shape.
because of making sure i curved it from the start, this made extruding for the leg itself alot easier, which was still pretty annoying, but this appropriately mae the leg look like something that was wearing the shoe.
And this is the progress for the lesson, it isn't a huge amount so naturally i should say that i need to improve my pacing, but i feel the quality of this mesh is compensatory to that, as it matches very well to our template without being excessively detailed, I can certainly feel that my meshes have gotten steadily better as the course has gone on.
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