Winter Submission - Progress Update 1 (concepts and a basic storyboard)

To make sure the progress i have achieved for my winter submission goes up on my blog, and shows (or will show) the progress i make right up until the deadline of 12/12/14 this will be the first post of a few covering where i am at various stages of the project.

These posts will cover Maya work (like this post) , unity progress, storyboards, one sheets, and various ideas leading up to the submitted piece.

Since this is the first one (of many) i should probably start by posting content from the concept of my game, since i have made many notes to cover the ideas for both my game and level design and rehashed the idea a few times to refine what i wanted from it.

I also have the initial version of my storyboard that i can show through here (though ill likely refine it as it was made with my starting ideas in mind);

The next post will likely have my text version of my one sheet; the tool which is meant to summarise the key selling point of your game as well as be able to describe it to a variety of people. as well as some screenshots of my modelling of my drafted level for exporting into unity.

To give some context and clarification to some of my ideas, the idea for my setting is a 1970-80's New York with my level being near the docks in a industrial district with some overlap of houses, All of these elements need to be there to give it the perfect vibe for a investigation/detective drama, cold and isolated with lots of side alleys to really enhance the mysterious feel.

originally my idea was alot more straight forward in it's geography but expanded to this several blocks worth of city to better encapsulate my ideas.


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