January Life Drawing (2 of 4) - 15th January - The Laziness actually got worse as you can tell from the post dates
Got a chance to do pencil sketches as well but they just ended up feeling .... underwhelming, i think it's because I've gotten adjusted to the use of charcoal and the lightness of the pencil (cause i have trouble making dense marks when sketching at this size) it lacks the impact of the charcoal, perhaps this is only suitable as a base layer of a painting of sketch or at least a longer drawing to show more work (as i appear to have a very clean pencil use)
Probably the highlight of the session, i worked with ... i think charcoal (maybe some graphite) but i worked by doing all of the tones and shading in the body as hard shapes; which is sort of reminiscent for me as i used to draw screen captures from anime's and anime-esque games, which often use this very fixed shapes for the designs of characters and such rather than blending tones and colours.
at any rate i was really happy with how this came out as the shapes and tones are extremely visible and because the whole sketch is done in this style the shapes don't look too irregular in context, i'd love to do a very long sketch at one point and use this style of sketching as i think i could produce something fun.
Overall a pretty stellar session, more so towards the end and definitely a strong entry at an early point of the year so i guess i have to step it up. more variations and experimenting are ahead of me.
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