Making Jeanne's Guns - All 4 One (AAA asset production - winter assessment) (Part3)

And now, the third (and pretty much final) part of creating Jeanne's guns; at least as a base model, i still need to texture them, but one step at a time. To start with by duplicating and merging the stock components that i had made prior i can start making the more cohesive shape. 

This also required a slight bit of experimentation as to the width and alignment of these parts with each other, so i might move or modify these bits as i progress.

Additionally on the extended face, i indented more faces like i did earlier to capture the indentation that is reflected on my reference images.

evaluation the model from other angles becomes essential with a model such as this, both paning in the perspective view and the other camera views have been essential in figuring out how the model is progressing and if it is balanced (especially for an artificial object like this gun)

for now that will do, and i'll flip around to the magazine and grip of the gun, working from the bottom, mostly because this is a nice little segment i can quad draw extrude and mold to quickly create it.

I had remade the magazine as the topography was messy and did not account for me separating some of the components, in the earlier stages sometimes it feels more useful to remake elements to avoid later complications. from there i extruded parts of the face, and then added cylinders to replicate the screws on the face.

to prepare for duplication it was also necessary to extrude the outer edge, as well as merge the elements of the magazine so that they would all duplicate.

For better reference i also switched on all of the layers, and then duplicated my magazine, which came out well; both fitting the right width for the rest of the model.

revisiting the gem piece as well, adding a little more definition to the piece and making it look overall a little more fitting with the rest of the design.

lots of little bits still to do, and the trigger is no different, though this is luckily very simple to sit, just quad draw extrude and duplicate, with a little bit of adjusting the scale for tapering.

At this point i realised while trying to add some later detail to my barrel that some of the geometry i had was problematic, and out of my range of knowledge on how to fix it, so i deleted the faces up until the end and remade the length of the barrel, with care to allow me to modify the sight line on the gun with the additional bits of geometry i needed to add.

about now i have pretty much everything together, and i was making sure that the last few touches were there along the sight, but aside from that I'm pretty much done.

Final picture will be up soon, alongside any other tweaks i want to talk about and some closing comments and reflection at least for modelling the base mesh.


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