
Showing posts from November, 2015

Making Jeanne's Guns - All 4 One (AAA asset production - winter assessment) (Part3)

And now, the third (and pretty much final) part of creating Jeanne's guns; at least as a base model, i still need to texture them, but one step at a time. To start with by duplicating and merging the stock components that i had made prior i can start making the more cohesive shape.  This also required a slight bit of experimentation as to the width and alignment of these parts with each other, so i might move or modify these bits as i progress. Additionally on the extended face, i indented more faces like i did earlier to capture the indentation that is reflected on my reference images. evaluation the model from other angles becomes essential with a model such as this, both paning in the perspective view and the other camera views have been essential in figuring out how the model is progressing and if it is balanced (especially for an artificial object like this gun) for now that will do, and i'll flip around to the magazine and grip of the gun, worki...

Making Jeanne's Guns - All 4 One (AAA asset production - winter assessment) (Part2)

This will make part 2 of my asset production; back to me darting around making various small parts for the gun as this feels less daunting to do that crafting the whole thing at once. plus breaking down a challenge is always more effective to making goals and meeting them. At this point i darted to the stock (I think) of the gun, and making this rather odd shape at the top, using cubes and extruding carefully to make the flow of the shape. afterwards it ends up like this, this I will come back to when i decide to model other parts of this segment of the gun  In regards to the construction of the barrel, due to how block like the shape of it is i was able to construct it through using another polycube and adding edge loops to extrude the necessary ridges. Likewise since the tubing of the barrel was very simple in design, i just used a cylinder to create a barrel that went into the gun. Although a little placeholder i also worked on the gem panel of the...

Making Jeanne's Guns - All 4 One (AAA asset production - winter assessment) (Part1)

Following on from my introduction to my asset production assignment, These entries will cover the making of my model based on Jeanne's guns from Bayonetta 2.  So my starting thought for this model was that i at least wanted to get the shape of model done fairly quickly so at least had a frame of reference for how far i was through. I began quad drawing parts of the model, the magazine/handle, the stock, the barrel and so forth, trying to make sure that the quad draw followed the topography of the object and that i would be able to then extrude faces to make other elements in the design e.g. the plating on the handle being extruded from faces on the grip. For the moment on here I've just elected to follow the outlying shape of the magazine, the shape for this is a nightmare with all the odd protrusions. The stock is somewhat more easy, with it being more block like in it's shape. The barrel seems to be the easiest as this is largely just a block ...