
Showing posts from October, 2015

Asset Production - Winter Assessment - Planning for my object

The winter submission i have for my modelling class is to model an object of my choice (within reason and some extra rules) to a high quality standard, basically like the knife i've been making as well. This object can be something i've created myself or an object from another game or media piece, since i wanted to get experience working with someone else's work i decided to opt for a game object. Now initially this requires some planning of it's own, as i need to select an object that has sufficient elements i can model, and as per requirement of the assessment it needs to have more than 2 materials that i can attribute to it, as my job will also require texturing this object properly. Now initially brainstorming i wanted to go for Midna's crown from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess; Now while this object has a really nice design to model (likely also a pain for me) unfortunately i was reminded about the materials rule, so this doesn't...

Year 2 - Return and Breakdown of my Units

So the second year has already kicked off as of this post, by a few weeks; the summer was a good chance for me to relax but i appear to have reclined a little too hard and ended up leaving my blog sparse throughout a good few months, though i should be remedying that with a huge influx of all the work i have under my belt now in my second year. This post is more of an introductory post, explaining the contents of my year (explained thus far) and informing you all what the breakdown of the posts I will put out will be. For my modelling work I'm being taught by Phil - so all modelling posts will likely be tied to the tag "Games Art - Asset Production" but this will also be divided into class work, where at the current time we are modelling a knife up to high quality standard, and our project to complete, which involves an object of our choice For Ewan, who covers the projects of our course, we are doing another group project to produce a game in a group, with this ti...