Asset Production - Winter Assessment - Planning for my object
The winter submission i have for my modelling class is to model an object of my choice (within reason and some extra rules) to a high quality standard, basically like the knife i've been making as well. This object can be something i've created myself or an object from another game or media piece, since i wanted to get experience working with someone else's work i decided to opt for a game object. Now initially this requires some planning of it's own, as i need to select an object that has sufficient elements i can model, and as per requirement of the assessment it needs to have more than 2 materials that i can attribute to it, as my job will also require texturing this object properly. Now initially brainstorming i wanted to go for Midna's crown from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess; Now while this object has a really nice design to model (likely also a pain for me) unfortunately i was reminded about the materials rule, so this doesn't...