
Showing posts from February, 2017

Concepting Tower Defence Levels

Continuing from my last post, i'm applying my rudimentary knowledge of tower defence map design, to concept some stages for our game to use (most likely in the future). (Tip) the blue spots (yellow in the last two) are all possible build spots. The top left is the revised design that James made following the feedback, with three lanes into the forest for the enemies to come down, and a wide open field to place lots of places to put defences. additionally instead of being placed at the top and bottom of the board respectively, the castle and forest are placed on the corners, putting more space on the screen and providing a more interesting board dynamic. Second on the left, we discussed the idea of further levels progressing into the forest, with the idea that the humans were pushing into the monsters territory. For this i established the castle as the main goal to protect, with a stark contrast between the human areas and the forest. Additionally inside the forest is a v...

(Out of Hiatus) - Research and Deconstruction on Tower Defence Maps

Late start to the second academic term, the year started in January yet I've been delayed due to crunch time on my dissertation and the aftermath of it's hand in, but as of now i am of Hiatus and working towards my group project again. Following up on the project presentation at the end of last term i realised i need to do some research into level design for tower defence levels, not only to further my understanding for the genre, but also James tasked me with concepting additional level design, potentially for other stages that we could add to the game. Particularly because the intent is to apply for the incubator project (a internal prospect for uni students to offer them facilities to work on a project for a year) so we also need to be thinking of the long term prospects of the project should it keep going. So first things first I've decided to deconstruct some map design in other tower defence games a bit, just to get a feel for how they work the environment...