Concepting Tower Defence Levels
Continuing from my last post, i'm applying my rudimentary knowledge of tower defence map design, to concept some stages for our game to use (most likely in the future). (Tip) the blue spots (yellow in the last two) are all possible build spots. The top left is the revised design that James made following the feedback, with three lanes into the forest for the enemies to come down, and a wide open field to place lots of places to put defences. additionally instead of being placed at the top and bottom of the board respectively, the castle and forest are placed on the corners, putting more space on the screen and providing a more interesting board dynamic. Second on the left, we discussed the idea of further levels progressing into the forest, with the idea that the humans were pushing into the monsters territory. For this i established the castle as the main goal to protect, with a stark contrast between the human areas and the forest. Additionally inside the forest is a v...